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Uso schede di memoria: checklist per evitare di danneggiarle

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    Post: 7.342
    Città: GENOVA
    Età: 105
    Sesso: Maschile
    *GURU* 5 5 5 3 36°
    00 20/11/2009 11:54
    Riicevo quanto segue dal supporto tecnico Lexar: penso sia utile per tutti

    Causes of memory card corruption:

    A corrupted memory card has damaged data that prevents it from performing properly. If a card can become unreadable, you may not be able to access photos on it. Memory card corruption often results from human error. Awareness of the main causes can help prevent card corruption from occurring.

    * Turning off a camera before an image is completely written to the memory card.

    * Removing the memory card from a camera while an image is being written to the card.

    * Removing the card from a memory card reader while files are still being transferred to a computer.

    * Batteries conking out as files are being transferred directly from the camera to a computer. Note: always make sure you have fully charged batteries before transferring images.

    * Removing the card from a card reader while folders and files from the card are open on a computer.

    * Opening, deleting, renaming or moving files on the card while its contents are open on a computer.

    * Using a memory card which has not been formatted in the camera. Use the delete/erase function when needed, however a card should be regularly formatted.

    * Inserting a second memory card into a card reader before closing and removing the first when viewing images on the card from a computer.

    * Taking photos when camera batteries are nearly empty.

    * Taking photos too rapidly so the camera can not complete writing one image before starting the next.

    * Continually shooting and deleting, images when the card is full.

    * Letting a memory card get too full before downloading the images to a computer or storage device. Cards that are too full may overwrite the card headers.

    * Using a memory card from one camera in a different camera without formatting it in the new camera first.


    Vita brevis, ars longa, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile

    Post: 724
    Sesso: Femminile
    Socio 36F 112
    00 20/11/2009 12:07
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